Pregnancy. What to pack in the bag for the hospital. Check the list

Start preparing what you will take to the hospital about two weeks before your expected date of delivery to make sure you are ready for your baby's arrival. Here are some suggestions on what to take with you.

For you:

  •  Two nightgowns with an opening in the front to breastfeed
  •  Various pieces of comfortable underwear
  •  Sanitary towels for abundant flow
  •  A shawl or robe
  •  Slippers or flip flops
  •  A pair of thick socks
  •  Absorbent breastfeeding discs, lanolin cream (for sensitive nipples) and breast-feeding bras
  •  A blanket to cover yourself while you nurse (if you wait for visits)  
  •  Your phone and charger
  •  Toiletries and cosmetics
  •  Lipstick
  •  A set of comfortable clothes to wear when leaving the hospital
  •  Body lotion or massage oil
  •  Documentation / hospital notes
  •  Delivery plan (if you have one)

For your baby:

  •  Three diaper shirts with legs and long sleeves that close in front
  •  Stockings, mittens and cap
  •  Set of clothes to go home, including a hat and a warm blanket
  •  Around 20 to 30 special diapers for newborns.
  •  Baby wipes

For your partner:

  •  Refreshments
  •   Your phone and charger
  •  A change of additional clothes and toiletries
  •  Camera and charger  

During your third trimester in addition to packing for the hospital, you can also prepare for the labor resting, sleeping as much as you can and enjoy the last weeks of waiting, your baby is coming!


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