Why my elbows itch

Sometimes we suffer some annoyances whose origin or cause are totally unknown to us and, although they may be slight, they can get to condition our day to day in a considerable way, and even affect our emotional and mental health due to the concern that can cause us . A clear example of these situations related to the health of our body is itching, also called pruritus, in any area of our body. It can appear and disappear according to the time of our life, but we do not know the reason for its presence and there are no other symptoms associated with it. The discomfort generated by this itching increases considerably if it occurs in certain areas of our body, which are more intimate or less accessible to relieve itching. Those that have a small amount of skin around them also cause more noticeable discomfort, such as in the joints, for example in the elbows. Is this your case and you want to discover the reason for itching? In a COMO we...